Organizer: Society for HVAC of Serbian Union of Mechanical & Electrical Engineers & Technicians (SMEITS), Kneza Miloša 7a/II, 11000 Beograd, Phone 381 11 323 00 41, Phone/fax 381 11 3231 372 ● www.smeits.rs ● www.kgh-drustvo.rs ● e-mail: office@kgh-hvac.rs
Sava Centar, Belgrade, 3 – 5. December 2014.
The PROGRAM dedicated to SOFTWARE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND GREEN PROGRAMS AND NETWORKS was successfully organized for the first time in 2010 and, therefore, the Organizer decided to include this new program as an integral part of the Congress and its accompanying exhibition, since the role of software and IT-s in all the fields of professional engineering and scientific work is irreplaceable today. Without software and IT, the approach to energy optimization, the use of renewable energy sources – sources of the permanent dynamics of availability, will not be possible.
The Invitation To Participate In The Green Exhibition
is addressed to professionals dealing with HVAC&R, building construction and building services (technical systems), including electricity supply, water supply and sewage, energy efficiency management, renewable energy sources, automation systems, structural dynamics, fire protection and fire fighting…
THE ROLE OF GREEN PROGRAMS AND NETWORKS may be crucial in the transfer of information and education of investors and users, i.e. in recognizing and identification of exemplary and valuable designs and solutions, thus contributing to wide application of energy efficient, environmentally clean and sustainable HVAC&R systems – integrally green buildings. And, furthermore, their role is to recognize, identify and promote valuable projects that can be set as an example. This section of the exhibition will gather designers, constructors, manufacturers, scientists, company representatives – software and IT creators and green program and network proponents, who will meet with potential future activists of the Programs-Networks, NGOs and volunteers, whose precious commitment to the common good and welfare of others – of all today’s’
and future generations in the whole world – is increasingly important and respect worthy.
Smart Grids For Zero CO2 Emission And Zero Energy Settlements And Cities
Integrated design and construction of sustainable healthy buildings and energy refurbishment of the exising urban building sector in order to achieve sustainability and adaptability of urban systems to climate change will be the main and integral topic of the congress. Since the integrated approach implies that from the very first moment of the architectural-conceptual consideration, and approach to the design, an essentially close communication is established between urban planners and architects, civil engineers, HVAC&R engineers and other mechanical engineers, electrical and electronics engineers, environmentalists, ICT professionals and others, this year’s HVAC&R CONGRESS IS INVITING ALL THE PROFESSIONS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND BUILDING AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES to make a huge step forward, in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary dialogue, in their approach to realize a DREAM – CONSTRUCTION OF SUSTAINABLE HEALTHY BUILDINGS AND ZERO CO2 EMISSION SETTLEMENTS AND CITIES.
In order to achive the aim of this Congress, i.e. to spread knowledge, technology and techniques that enable us to construct the Zero CO2 emmission settlements and cities, in addition to the presentation of the most recent achievements in the field of HVAC&R and energy supply systems, especially those using renewable energy sources, as well as all the aspects of the integrated design of new and re-design of the energy refurbishment of the exisitng buildings, it is necessary to obtain harmonisation of the balances of energy flows in buildings (energy consumers, Zero energy buildings and Energy+ buildings) and electricity distribution grid and utilities power supply systems
BEYOND THYE VISION – Monitoring – balancing energy flows and energy efficiency of solar houses of the 2014 Solar Decathlon held in Paris showed that all 20 houses achived impressive energy balance (generating 2 – 4 times more electricity than using and sending surplus to the GRID) connected in the Schneider’s SMART GRID.
For INFORMATION ON THE EXHIBITION AREA intended for SOFTWARE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, GREEN PROGRAMMES AND SMART GRIDS i.e. sketches, data on equipment and prices, please contact Mr Dragomir Samšalović, telephone no. 323 0041 or 065 328 29 20.
Looking forward to welcome You with the very best regards
Prof. dr. Marija Todorović.